"The Spectators" -- New Novel Launches Today
September 3, 2024
Yahoo! My novel The Spectators launches today: available wherever you like to buy books and e-books. But here is a link to buy paperbacks in the USA at a discount directly from Ingram, the distributor. (Cheaper for you, more royalty for me, no Amazonians chewing up the majority of the price, and only one shipment—smallest possible carbon footprint):

Or here: https://shop.ingramspark.com/b/084?jpz2teOGYVkl2P31E1cnG00noasHeaJg39Iwurv03nP
And a bonus for people who have read any of my earlier novels, The Spectators has a connection to all of them:
Plan Z by Leslie Kove, The Last Will & Testament of Zelda McFigg, my late mother's book The Trouble with the Truth (available wherever you buy paperbacks and e-books), and most recently, Cats on a Pole—available at a discount for U.S.A. paperbacks here:

or here: https://shop.ingramspark.com/b/084?KD7AtCWE6EmYWL6RGzaLBcFDddACvPC4RxwU9SPSj5O)
And here's a very short reading from The Spectators:
or, if you can't see embedded video, here: https://youtu.be/4GOZTPxQ6H8
I hope you like it,